Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hillary in Fayetteville,

I'm sitting in a high school gym in Cumberland County this afternoon waiting for Hillary Clinton. I'm hanging out here instead of Raleigh for a reason I'll write about later.

Anywho, we're still an hour or more away I'm guessing because of her tardiness in Raleigh. So far, I've seen State Sen. Julia Boseman who represents the 9th district. Cumblend County's sheriff Moose Butler is here but he was at Obama's event last week as well. I'll try to keep you posted on any other notables.

There's probably close to 1500 people already inside waiting. I think most know she is running late.

Cookies anyone? If you're keeping score on feeding the media it's 2-0 Clinton. I laugh to myself because they don't have to feed us and some might say they shouldn't. At Obama's events there was no media room with refreshments. Last Friday at Bill Clinton's event there was cookies and soda. At Hillary Clinton's event they let the media dig into the traveling press corp's food.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I had a Pepsi-with ice.

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