Tuesday, July 24, 2007

School boards with taxing authority? A House Education Committee took up a bill today that allows local school boards to tax property. County Commissions would still be able to tax property as well.

The bill states that the school boards must be elected and county commissioners must also give the school boards permission to tax.

The School Board's Association and Home Builder's Association both spoke in support of the bill. Rep. Rick Glazier says they distribute the funds so they should be able to raise the money. He also says that means board members should face the scrutiny since they make the decisions.

There were no opponents who spoke, but Rep. Daughtridge says that's because no one knew this bill was coming up and say people are trying to push this through at the last minute.

The chairman took no questions and said there was no time to take up the bill so he simply referred the bill to Finance.

Stay tuned!

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