Monday, February 12, 2007

Speaker Joe Hackney has released committee assignments. Here they are! Eight appropriation chairs as expected. The following is a release from Hackney's office.

RALEIGH -- N.C. House Speaker Joe Hackney today announced the House committees, which will meet during the 2007-08 session. After many discussions with members of the House Democratic and Republican caucuses and careful consideration of their requests and suggestions, Speaker Hackney decided to create four new committees and restructure several others that have met in previous years.

The House of Representatives will now have committees that will focus on agribusiness and agricultural economy, energy and energy efficiency, juvenile justice and mental health reform. Several committees will also focus on slightly different issues or have expanded responsibilities than in previous years, including: Commerce, Small Business and Entrepreneurship; Federal Relations and Indian Affairs; Homeland Security, Military and Veteran Affairs; and Ways and Means.

Below is a list of all committees and their membership:

ASSISTANT TO THE SPEAKER: Representative Cunningham.

AGING: Representative Farmer-Butterfield Chair; Representatives Bordsen, Clary, Jones, and Pierce Vice Chairs; Representatives Adams, Boylan, Earle, England, Gillespie, Holmes, Mobley, Thomas, and Weiss.

AGRIBUSINESS AND AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY: Representative Faison Chair; Representatives Hill and West Vice Chairs; Representatives Brubaker, Frye, Mobley, and Pierce.

AGRICULTURE: Representative Hill Chair; Representatives Bell, Braxton, Brisson, Faison, Lewis, and Williams Vice Chairs; Representatives Coates, Daughtry, Holloway, Kiser, Langdon, Pate, Steen, Tarleton, Tolson, Tucker, Underhill, Walker, E. Warren, and Wray.

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: Representative Lucas Chair; Representatives Gibson and Grady Vice Chairs; Representatives Boylan, Brown, Coates, Cole, Daughtry, Goforth, Jones, Lewis, McGee, Saunders, Starnes, and Tucker.

APPROPRIATIONS: Representatives Adams, Alexander, Crawford, Haire, Jeffus, Tolson, Yongue, and Michaux (Senior) Chairs;

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON CAPITAL: Representatives Womble and Wright Chairs; Representatives Church and Grady Vice Chairs; Representatives Allred, Avila, Cunningham, Daughtry, Holliman, Killian, and Wainwright.

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION: Representatives Glazier, McLawhorn, and Rapp Chairs; Representatives Bell, Johnson, and Lucas Vice Chairs; Representatives Hilton, Holloway, Parmon, Pate, Tarleton, and Wiley.

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Representatives Goforth and Underhill Chairs; Representatives Fisher, Steen, and Tucker Vice Chairs; Representatives Almond, Braxton, Brown, Cleveland, Owens, Pierce, Walker, and West.

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Representatives Earle, England, and Insko Chairs; Representatives Barnhart, Clary, and Coleman Vice Chairs; Representatives Brisson, Neumann, and Thomas.

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY: Representatives Bordsen and Love Chairs; Representatives Kiser, Ray, Spear, Sutton, and R. Warren Vice Chairs; Representatives Frye, Goodwin, Hurley, Justus, Mobley, and Moore.

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES: Representatives McAllister and E. Warren Chairs; Representatives Harrison, Justice, and Wilkins Vice Chairs; Representatives Bryant, Langdon, Samuelson, Stiller, and Wray.

APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION: Representatives Coates and Cole Chairs; Representatives Allen, Blue, Holmes, and Saunders Vice Chairs; Representatives Boylan, Current, Dickson, Dockham, Dollar, Gillespie, Gulley, T. Harrell, Martin, McElraft, and Williams.

CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES: Representative Pierce Chair; Representatives Farmer-Butterfield, McAllister, and Wiley Vice Chairs; Representatives Alexander, Almond, Fisher, T. Harrell, Hilton, Mobley, Moore, and Setzer.

COMMERCE, SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Representative Dickson Chair; Representatives Carney, Daughtridge, Starnes, and Wilkins Vice Chairs; Representatives Allen, Allred, Blackwood, Braxton, Brown, Clary, Cole, England, Farmer-Butterfield, Gillespie, Goforth, T. Harrell, McGee, Neumann, Owens, Parmon, Pate, Pierce, Rapp, Ray, Samuelson, Steen, Tarleton, E. Warren, and R. Warren.

EDUCATION: Representatives Bell and Lucas Chairs;

EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY COLLEGES: Representatives Wilkins and Wray Chairs; Representatives Bordsen, England, and Walker Vice Chairs; Representatives Avila, Brown, Dockham, Goforth, Goodwin, Langdon, Love, McElraft, Tolson, and R. Warren.

EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON PRE-SCHOOL, ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION: Representatives Fisher and Parmon Chairs; Representatives Blackwood, Jeffus, and McLawhorn Vice Chairs; Representatives Carney, Folwell, Glazier, Johnson, Rapp, Stam, and Wiley.

EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITIES: Representatives McAllister and Womble Chairs; Representatives Current, Dollar, Insko, Tarleton, and E. Warren Vice Chairs; Representatives Adams, Alexander, Bryant, Cleveland, Daughtridge, Dickson, Hall, Hilton, Holloway, Hurley, Ross, Samuelson, Stiller, Thomas, and Yongue.

ELECTION LAW AND CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: Representative Goodwin Chair; Representatives Kiser, Luebke, and Ross Vice Chairs; Representatives Bryant, Church, Current, Fisher, Harrison, Holmes, Justice, Lewis, Martin, Michaux, Stam, and Starnes.

ENERGY AND ENERGY EFFICENCY: Representative Harrison Chair; Representatives Tolson and Walend Vice Chairs; Representatives Boylan, Fisher, Folwell, Gibson, Gulley, J. Harrell, Luebke, Neumann, Samuelson, Saunders, and Tarleton.

ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Representative Allen Chair; Representatives Gillespie, J. Harrell, Harrison, Justice, Tarleton, and Underhill Vice Chairs; Representatives Blackwood, Brisson, Dollar, Gibson, Haire, Insko, Killian, Luebke, Martin, McComas, Owens, Samuelson, Stiller, Tucker, Weiss, West, and Womble.

ETHICS: Representatives Howard and Ross Chairs; Representatives Brubaker and Yongue Vice Chairs; Representatives Bell, Dockham, Justice, Lucas, Steen, and Tolson.


FEDERAL RELATIONS AND INDIAN AFFAIRS: Representatives Blue and Sutton Chairs; Representatives Frye and Martin Vice Chairs; Representatives Black, Brown, Gillespie, and Yongue.

FINANCE: Representatives Gibson, Wainwright, Weiss, and Luebke (Senior) Chairs; Representatives Hill, Holliman, Howard, McComas, and Womble Vice Chairs; Representatives Black, Blackwood, Blust, Carney, Cunningham, Daughtridge, Faison, Farmer-Butterfield, Folwell, Hall, J. Harrell, Jones, Lewis, McGee, Owens, Ross, Setzer, Stam, Starnes, Tillis, and Walend.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Representative Church Chair; Representatives Brubaker, Carney, and Williams Vice Chairs; Representatives Black, Daughtridge, Dockham, Earle, Grady, Hall, Holmes, Jeffus, McComas, Mobley, Neumann, Saunders, Spear, Tillis, and R. Warren.
HEALTH: Representative Wright Chair; Representatives Earle, England, and Justus Vice Chairs; Representatives Adams, Alexander, Avila, Barnhart, Boylan, Current, Farmer-Butterfield, Glazier, Grady, T. Harrell, McAllister, McElraft, McLawhorn, Neumann, Parmon, Rapp, Stiller, Thomas, Wainwright, Walend, and Wilkins.

HOMELAND SECURITY, MILITARY AND VETERAN AFFAIRS: Representative Martin Chair; Representatives Blust, Cunningham, Pate, and Wright Vice Chairs; Representatives Allred, Barnhart, Braxton, Cleveland, Coates, Dickson, Glazier, Hilton, Killian, Spear, Sutton, Thomas, Underhill, and R. Warren.

INSURANCE: Representatives Goforth and Holliman Chairs; Representatives Bryant, Dickson, Dockham, and Setzer Vice Chairs; Representatives Almond, Blust, Cole, Current, Faison, Howard, Lewis, Pierce, Saunders, Sutton, Wainwright, Walend, and Wright.

JUDICIARY I: Representative Ross Chair; Representatives Goodwin, Stam, and Stiller Vice Chairs; Representatives Alexander, Blust, Bryant, Clary, Hall, Harrison, Holmes, Insko, Martin, Mobley, and West.

JUDICIARY II: Representative Blue Chair; Representatives Glazier, Love, and Weiss Vice Chairs; Representatives Bordsen, Crawford, Folwell, J. Harrell, Hurley, Johnson, Kiser, Moore, Parmon, Ray, and Spear.

JUDICIARY III: Representative Sutton Chair; Representatives Daughtry, Faison, and R. Warren Vice Chairs; Representatives Almond, Black, Fisher, Haire, Jeffus, Lewis, Michaux, Tillis, Underhill, Walend, and Wiley.

JUVENILE JUSTICE: Representative Bordsen Chair; Representatives Haire, Kiser, and Mobley Vice Chairs; Representatives Avila, Blust, Bryant, Cunningham, Goodwin, Hurley, Justus, McAllister, McElraft, and Pierce.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT I: Representative Tucker Chair; Representatives Braxton and Langdon Vice Chairs; Representatives Coleman, Gibson, Hurley, McElraft, McGee, Owens, Pate, Spear, Walker, and E. Warren.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT II: Representative Jones Chair; Representatives Adams and Allen Vice Chairs; Representatives Fisher, Frye, Love, Lucas, Steen, Tillis, and Womble.

MENTAL HEALTH REFORM: Representatives Earle and Insko Chairs; Representatives Alexander and Barnhart Vice Chairs; Representatives Braxton, Brisson, Clary, Coleman, England, Justus, Langdon, McLawhorn, Ray, and Wiley.

PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT: Representatives Bell and J. Harrell Chairs; Representatives Coleman, Folwell, Holloway, and McGee Vice Chairs; Representatives Hurley, McLawhorn, and Tolson.

PUBLIC UTILITIES: Representative Saunders Chair; Representatives Brubaker and Coates Vice Chairs; Representatives Black, Bryant, Earle, Grady, Gulley, Harrison, Holmes, Howard, Lucas, and Wright.

RULES, CALENDAR, AND OPERATIONS OF THE HOUSE: Representative Owens Chair; Representatives Glazier, Hill, Luebke, and Ross Vice Chairs; Representatives Barnhart, Bell, Blue, Brubaker, Clary, Cole, Crawford, Dockham, J. Harrell, Holliman, Howard, Insko, Jeffus, Justice, Justus, Love, McComas, McLawhorn, Michaux, Pate, Ray, Setzer, Steen, Weiss, and Yongue.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Representative Jones Chair; Representatives Gulley, T. Harrell, and Tolson Vice Chairs; Representatives Avila, Blue, England, Haire, Johnson, and Tillis.

STATE PERSONNEL: Representative Coleman Chair; Representatives Almond and Church Vice Chairs; Representatives J. Harrell, Justus, Killian, Sutton, Wiley, Womble, and Yongue.

TRANSPORTATION: Representative Carney Chair; Representatives Coates, Cole, Crawford, Hilton, McComas, and Williams Vice Chairs; Representatives Allen, Blackwood, Braxton, Brisson, Cleveland, Daughtridge, Daughtry, Dollar, T. Harrell, Hill, Killian, Moore, Rapp, Steen, Stiller, Sutton, Underhill, Wilkins, Wray, and Wright.

UNIVERSITY BOARD OF GOVERNORS NOMINATING: Representative Dickson Chair; Representatives Bryant, Haire, and Moore Vice Chairs; Representatives Blust, Brubaker, Dollar, Holmes, Insko, Rapp, E. Warren, and Womble.

WAYS AND MEANS: Representative J. Harrell Chair; Representatives Allred, Hall, Michaux, Owens, and Wainwright Vice Chairs; Representatives Avila, Carney, Crawford, Folwell, Goforth, Grady, Holliman, Lewis, McLawhorn, Neumann, Spear, and Walend.

WILDLIFE RESOURCES: Representative Williams Chair; Representatives Cleveland, Spear, and Wray Vice Chairs; Representatives Brisson, Church, Gulley, Love, Thomas, and West.

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